Tuesday, April 9, 2019

A Comprehensive Guide To Tactile Warning And Different Types Of Tactile Patterns

Tactile warnings provide a distinctive surface pattern of truncated domes, cones or bars detectable by long cane or underfoot, which are used to alert the visually impaired of approaching streets and hazardous surfaces or grade changes.

Tactile warnings are required in many places according to the federal, state, and local laws and regulations. You will find such warning surfaces used in the following locations-- Bus and train stations, subways, public sidewalks/crosswalks, apartment complexes, and schools, colleges, and universities.

Detectable warning surfaces such as concrete truncated dome provide a valuable service to individuals with visual impairments. They serve as warning sign that urges a low-sighted person to put more attention in scenarios such as entering a busy intersection, or a rail platform drop off etc. In addition to visually impaired persons, tactile warnings can also alert a distracted non-visually impaired individual of the same warnings.

The different types of tactile patterns are mentioned below.

Blister tactile

These are mainly used for pedestrian crossings. The purpose of blister surface is to provide warning to vision-impaired people, who find it difficult to differentiate between the foot way ends and where the carriageway begins.

Offset blister tactile

This is also known as the platform edge (off-street) warning surface. This type of surface is to warn vision-impaired people of the edge of all off-street railway platforms. These units can be manufactured in any suitable paving material and in colors that can provide a good contrast with the surrounding area.

Lozenge tactile

The purpose of this platform edge warning surface is to warn visually impaired people when they are approaching the edge of an on-street platform. The lozenge tactile paving units should be installed to a depth of 400mm parallel with platform edge and must be kept at a minimum of 500mm away from the edge.

Corduroy hazard warning tactile

It is used where a foot way joins a shared route. It conveys the message "hazard, proceed with caution" to a low-sight individual.

Cycle way tactile

The purpose of the tactile surface along with a separated shared cycle track and footpath is to let vision-impaired people of the correct side to enter. The purpose of the central strip is to help vision-impaired pedestrians keep to be on the pedestrian side.

Directional or guidance tactile

The purpose of the guidance path surface is to guide vision-impaired people along a route when the traditional signals such as a property line are not available.

If you are looking to buy tactile warning devices surfaces such as concrete truncated dome, there are a few good online stores that can help you as well as guide you with the best products.

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