Monday, March 4, 2019

4 Things to Consider When You Install Detectable Warning Panels

Whether you are starting a retrofitting project or a new construction project, understanding detectable warning requirements is important. Life can be challenging for the visually disabled, especially when they walk. They are clueless about what they may bump into. By installing delectable warning panels, you can do a little to help them. Not to forget, it is imperative to abide by the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) requirement.

Detectable warning panels help to warn the visually impaired pedestrians regarding the changes in elevation. They are installed at a myriad of places, including footpaths, railway platforms, crossing points and steps. They help in improving the safety of pedestrians at crossroads or before crossworks with the help of non-visual clues.

Here are a few detectable warning requirements you need to consider when installing panels.

1. Location:

Like we mentioned, detectable warning panels are important for curb ramps, hazardous crosswalks, reflecting pools, vehicle ways and platform edges.

2. Spacing requirements:

The detectable warning panels should have at least 1.6 inches of center-to-center saving. Plus, it should not be more than 2.4 inches. It is also important to note that there should be a minimum of 0.65 inches of spacing in adjacent raised domes.

3. Color requirements:

There is no specific color requirement for detectable warning panels. However, they must be in contrast with the color of street, sidewalk, platform or other surface. For instance, if the base is light, the color of the panel should be bold and dark. You can also check other construction projects to get a better idea of how the colors should be.

4. Size requirements:

The warning panels should include tactile domes in rectangular, radial or square grid that complies with the requirements of ADA. The minimum size of warning surface should be around 24 inches in the direction of travel.

Where to buy detectable warning panels?

You can find various types of detectable warning panel collections in various stores, such as composite collection, cast iron collection, stainless steel collection, concrete collection and more. They can work for a myriad of applications and circumstances. They can be drilled and installed easily. Stick to a reliable store and you can find panels that comply by detectable warning requirements.

So, buy delectable warning panels today!

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